Doug Loudenback

“The principal focus of this blog is Oklahoma City history, past, present & future, including the city’s NBA teams, as well as anything else I decide to write about from time to time. – Doug Loudenback

From 2006 to 2014, Doug did just that. As a lawyer turned city historian and author, Doug meticulously researched city history and provided an important resource for those wanting to learn more about our community. Doug, a founding member of Retro Metro OKC, died on September 12, 2021 after an extensive illness. His writings are preserved for future generations.

Tuesday, March 1 … Get Off Your Tush and GO VOTE

Updated February 25 to include the Oklahoman's editorial. It is good to be noticed. After I assembled this video collage which focused on the political activity of Windsor Hills Baptist Church, largely taken from church videos at, most of those videos were...

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Old Stuff From Readers Like You

Initial post: December 5, 2010 Last Updated: January 3, 2011 Now Includes 5 Vignettes The Latest is from Judy Baker Riley From time to time, I've been privileged to receive e-mails or correspondence from blog readers who volunteer very interesting information, photos,...

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