Centennial Flash Video. I’ve made a flash video file with the song “Oklahoma” sung by Gordon MacRae and the march “March Grandioso” by Seitz as background music (this is the march played by the outstanding Broken Arrow High School Band during the parade). It contains the “small” (490 px x 389 px) images which are contained in Centennial Parade Parts 2 and 2A but the larger images which are available in those articles cannot be accessed in the video. Run-time is about 12 minutes in Firefox and 11 minutes in Internet Explorer.
The video is rather large (12.9 MB) so be patient while it loads. When it appears below, click the “Play” button to play the video. Use the Buttons (“X” means “Stop”) or right-click on the video after it loads for other options. Enjoy the parade!
Note: Slightly different versions are linked to depending on whether your browser is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer or others such as Firefox — when the original version loads in Firefox, the graphics outpace the music and get out of sync … so I’ve attempted to work around that problem by making different versions — the content is exactly the same. The video is better synchronized in MS Internet Explorer.
A note about my vantage point: Except for a few at the very beginning, the images I took of the parade looked east at and over the Santa Fe Railroad elevated tracks toward Bricktown (when looking southeast) or the “Triangle” area when looking due east … that area is presently under extensive condo and apartment development … some might generally refer to the area as “Deep Deuce” even though Deep Deuce is a couple of blocks south of what I’m talking about in this note. In a few pics, however, the former Calvary Baptist Church is visible … a 3 story red brick building (the pic with the green tractors shows it best) … which is where most civil rights marches in the late 1950s and early 1960s started on their treks toward downtown lunch counters … see my Clara Luper article for more.
If requested in a comment or by e-mail, I’ll provide instructions about downloading the source files to your own computer.
A Related video: Vince Gill’s Oklahoma Rising largely set to images of Oklahoma City.