Springlake via Arcadia

Quick links in this article: Full Circle Book-signing   About the publication Book Reviews   Sample Pages   Acknowledgments Updated October 24, 2008 FIRST BOOK-SIGNING IS SET DONE! In my September 26 update, I reported that...

Myriad Gardens

In this article, click on an image for a larger view, unless otherwise stated. This article traces how Oklahoma City got a fabulous downtown park, the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory of which celebrated its 20th Anniversary on March 25, 2008, and gives a heck of...


Related Article: Springlake via Arcadia (Book-signing set for October 23 at Full Circle Books, Oklahoma City) Click here to read about my Arcadia book on Springlake Norman Thompson generously sent me a whole CD full of Springlake images (more than 300) that had come...

Delmar Garden & Wheeler Park

In 2006, we are enjoying a booming Bricktown – a primary destination for people to have fun downtown. What did Okc guys and gals do downtown for fun a century ago? They went to Delmar Garden & Wheeler Park. SIZE AND LOCATION. Writers sometime state that...