A Tale of Two Energies

I took a number of photographs to see and show the status on goings-on downtown this morning, Saturday December 18, 2010 — one set to view what was going up and the other to view what was coming down. These are they, without much particular comment other than links to...

Oklahoma City Rising

The above video is substantially the same as that originally posted here on December 6, 2006, anticipating Oklahoma’s 2007 Centennial. But, things have changed in Oklahoma City between December 2006 and September 2010. Below, a 3 ½ minute video shows some of the...

State Capitol On A Weekend

As described in this article, Oklahoma City became Oklahoma’s capitol city in 1913 … but it took awhile for the new State Capitol Building to get done. Until then, various elements of Oklahoma government met in various locations, most notable of those...

First National Center

Original post: 5/11/07; Updated 3/25/08 Click here to jump to the update Additionally, this article is substantially complemented and expanded by a later article, First National Archives, which contains photographs from its own history. A 3rd article, 1st National, 75...

Tall Buildings

Edited 4/16/2008 to add the Midwest Building Jump to Tall Buildings Not Done Jump To Tall Buildings Which Might Be Done With last week’s announcement by Devon Energy Company, one might start thinking about Oklahoma City skyscrapers, “tall buildings”...