I promise to get back to “traditional” Oklahoma City history soon (well, the Thunder is part of Oklahoma City history, isn’t it?) but I feel the need for speed in being sure that the Oklahoma City Thunder faithful know about something important that has happened in the blogosphere concerning the team. That something important would be the new Daily Thunder blog.
Rather like a wedding, the new blog is a marriage involving something old and something new. Ever since I made my OKC NBA References & Peep Shows article, it included a couple of Thunder blogs, Thunder World by Royce and Thunder Guru by Joe, both fine blogs, among others. Joe is from Oregon and he’s been an avid Seattle Sonics fan for 20 years and he is one who likes to follow the team, whatever its name and wherever it lives. While not alone among SuperSonics fans in those respects, there are certainly many more former Sonics fans who don’t share his perspective. On the other hand, Royce is an OU graduate with a degree in journalism. His former blog, Thunder World, was a valiant and solid effort but, earlier on, he allowed all comments to be posted however scurrilous and scumbaggy they were. Such comments were legion, so much so as to dissuade many Oklahoma City Thunder fans from participating there. Not long ago, Royce began moderating comments to get rid of the trash talkers and that worked pretty well.
But, now, those two former blogs have merged into a new blog, owned by Royce, called the Daily Thunder, and it is simply outstanding. It has a clean, crisp appearance with great content supplied locally by Royce and Joe.
The new blog is an ESPN TrueHoop Network affiliate and is Oklahoma City’s representative in that emerging ESPN network. From the blog, you can quickly open other TrueHoop affiliate blogs, such as the New Orleans Hornets 24/7 blog which was one of my favorites when the Hornets were in town. A Thunder fan might enjoy reading what the competition’s blog has to say on the game day vs. a particular team. As you can see, below, the TrueHoops bloglist doesn’t yet cover all teams, but I’m sure that will come. Those included are quality NBA blogs that talk hoops, not trash.

ESPN’s NBA team pages can also be quickly opened in the blog and you can open ESPN’s Thunder, or other team page, in a click.

I encourage those of you who are Oklahoma City Thunder fans to visit, and participate, in this fine new Thunder blog. It is a class act and is more than deserving of your support.