Updated 5/24/2007 to add 4 additional video clips.
I know this blog is about Oklahoma City history, but I’ll break the rule to post something that all Oklahoma history buffs will want to know … OETA’s Centennial stories and video collection. Billie Rodely, Writer and Researcher for the OETA Documentary Department, kindly let me know about this very excellent source for Centennial information. Click the image below to go to OETA’s Centennial main page.

According to its website,
OETA now has more than 65 Centennial Stories available for viewing online at Google Video. Subjects include Jim Thorpe, Braniff Airlines, the BC Clark Jingle, the 45th Infantry Division, the Chisolm Trail, Geronimo, Baptist Children’s Home, Wiley Post, the WWII bombing of Boise City, the first tornado forecast, Oklahoma’s first schoolhouse, Carl Albert, the state’s record of governor impeachments, Oklahoma’s first radio station, the “Orphan Train,” and more.
So far, I’ve found 78 video clips to be present (if I counted right) so it’s a work-in-progress. The only real problem is finding a list of the 2 minute video clips, so I’ve put one together in the meantime. Click on any link below to open the associated video clip in a separate window.
Note: As I locate “new” videos at OETA’s website, I’ll located them at the top of the left column and boldface them for “quicker” reference. Bold & Red are those added in the most recently edited post.
October 11, 2007 note: The links below have been changed and are presently broken. I’ll fix them when I have time. In the meantime, use this link: Click here
So, when you’ve got a couple of minutes for a dose of Oklahoma history, check out OETA’s great service and resource, above.