Go To The Preliminary Parade Article Go To Centennial Parade 2A
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Per the earlier Centennial Parade article, yesterday, October 14, 2007, the Oklahoma Centennial Parade occurred as planned! I’ll add more descriptive text later … but for now … have a look!
As usual, click on any image for a larger view.
I’ll show as many images as I have and will add Doug Dawgz “Best of” in each category. This page contains (1) Street People; (2) Aircraft; (3) Bands; and (4) Cars. Oklahoma Centennial 2A contains (5) Horses & Other Animals; (6) Walkers; and (6) Balloons & Floats.
STREET PEOPLE. Probably my favorite “thing” about it all was that so very many people found themselves downtown to view this spectacle. According to the Oklahoman, about 175,000 watched from the streets and another 25,000 from hotel rooms along the way — 200,000 watchers altogether (not counting those who watched on TV)! After all, the Centennial is about a people, us Okies, and so having a look at some of them is a good place to start!
First, I got my base in the Broadway/Kerr Garage identified and took a few pics before the parade began. My “vantage” point for the parade pics appears below:
Looking North On Gaylord
Panning Toward The East
Across the Street – My 1st “Best” Award – Best Street Person: My Wife!
I had a little time after getting my “parade place” fixed, so I decided to walk the parade route from the garage to its starting point north of the Myriad Gardens. The pics which follow are people along the route …
Street Level Looking South
Further South on Gaylord Looking North
Approaching the Santa Fe Depot on Gaylord
At the Santa Fe Depot
Looking West To Cox Convention Center
Approaching Reno
Almost to Reno Looking Southwest
Looking West on Reno
On Reno Looking North
At Reno & Robinson Looking Northwest
At Reno & Robinson Looking North
At Main & Robinson Looking West — Parade About To Start!
BANDS. At this point, the parade started, and the next three pics show the All Star Centennial Band as it rounds the corner to head south on Robinson.

After the above pic, I hustled back to my parade “vantage point” just in time to see the All Star Oklahoma Centennial Band again when it reached the Broadway/Kerr Parking Garage. The rest of this section shows it and other bands as they passed by.

After a very long pause without a band,
the OU & OSU bands passed on by.
The Langston University Band … Doug Dawg Liked This One A Lot!
Lots of Other Bands, Too … I Didn’t Get Them All
(I’ll save my Best Band Award ‘Till the Last)
A Bagpipe Band
45th Division Band
A Marine Corps Band
Doug Dawgz Best Band Award
The Broken Arrow High School Marching Band
AIRBORNE VEHICLES. Although a few TV news helicopters shared the air, there can be no doubt about the Best Aircraft Award!

Best Aircraft Award: The Stealth Bomber
CARS. LOTS of vintage cars with celebreties and others were in the parade … here are most of them. I’ll add some description later. Though not a “car,” strictly speaking, the OHP & OCPD motorcycles led the parade …

Doug Dawgz Best Car Award Goes To …