With this, I’m sort of breaking two of my rules: (1) Only post on Okc History (including the NBA); and (2) avoid getting “political.” I’m doing so because the Saturday Night Live skits are just really really funny (to me, anyway) and they cut none of the participants any satirical slack — all participants come across equally goofy! So, here, all in one place, I’ve assembled them all for your viewing pleasure.

I’ve not “embedded” the clips into this page — that would cause the page to load much too slowly. But, I have linked each video to a separate html file which will load quickly in a separate tab or window and be 600 px wide, and without commercials. In each file is a link to all the others if you want to play them all. Enjoy!

Bill Clinton Supports Obama

1st Presidential Debate

Couric Interviews Palin

Non-Partisan Message by Sarah & Hillary

Joe & Sarah Duke It Out

McCain Approves This Message

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