This is a complete revision of the Thunder Game Pics post which I’d made earlier. The earlier post contained various 2008 Thunder Game Pics but it was clear from the beginning that the method used would need changing … game pics over 41 games makes much too large a single file, plus, if you wanted to see a larger-than-500 px-wide file, it was necessary to click on the smaller version of a particular file which would fit into the Blogger page. Click the button or here.
… or read on, below.
Some explanatory navigation discussion appears after the picture below. But, if you want to jump right into the new stuff which uses plain html code instead of blogger code, click here or click the image below which is a shrunk version of what you’ll initially see when you do … the html page will open in a separate window (IE Explorer) or tab (Firefox) …

Before the explanation, here’s a thanks and shout out to others who have allowed me to use some of their own pics … posters at (the best place to “talk Thunder” on the web):
- bbingham05,
- Bstuff,
- Hornet Girl,
- ArtByPaul; and
- Richard A. Rowe, a professional photographer who has his own web stuff at TaosActionPhotos.Com, NBAThunder where you can see (and purchase) what are probably the very very best high resolution Thunder photos (and other stuff, too) on the web, bar none.
Here’s a little explanation about how to navigate in the html pages … not that you probably need it, but just in case …
- THE ALL GAMES HOME PAGE. When entering the “All Games” home page by clicking on the image or link above, a more ordinary (than Blogger) html version of the above image opens, except that it’s not an image. Instead, it contains thumbnails for each of 2008-09’s 41 home games, most of which haven’t occurred as this article is written. Click on any thumbnail to open a page for that particular game. A shrunken image of an exemplar page appears below:
- GAME PAGES. An shrunken image of what a game page looks like appears below. You can click on the image below to open that actual page if you want … it will open in a separate window or tab …
Each thumbnail is a very small version (180 px wide) of the larger image which would open if you clicked on that thumbnail.
A small animated gif file unique to each game is present in the upper right corner of each Game Page which give 5 or 6 small images of the particular game, like that shown below …
Navigation controls are present so that you can move from one Game Page to the next or previous Game Page or return to the main Games Page. - IMAGE PAGES. Click on any such thumbnail for an html page which contains a full-size image, such as that shown below … you can click on the image to open the actual page which it represents … it will open in a new window or tab …
Navigation controls are present which allow you to rotate backward or forward for the game pics for the particular game. Navigation controls are present which will either return you to the Game Page for that game or to the main Games Page.
If you notice any errors with the html code (such as a bad link or an image that doesn’t load), I’d appreciate your feedback, or maybe you have some ideas as to how something might be made better. I’m all ears!
That’s about it … the Game Pages will be updated as the season progresses. My intention is to include pics for every game of the 2008-09 season.
Enjoy, and GO THUNDER!